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Titel - Arise, awake, awake

Countertenor 1: David Hurley Countertenor 2: Nigel Short Tenor: Paul Phoenix Bariton 1: Philip Lawson Bariton 2: Gabriel Crouch Baß: Stephen Connolly


Arise, awake, awake,
You silly shepherds sleeping;
Devise some honour for her sake
By mirth to banish weeping.
See where she comes, lo where,
In gaudy green arraying,
A pince of beauty rich and rare
Pretends to go a-maying.
You stately nymphs draw near
And strew your path with roses;
In you her trust reposes.
Then sang the shepherds and nymphs of Diana:
Long live fair Oriana.

The triumphs of Oriana (2002)

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