Dance to thy Daddy,
sing to thy Mammy,
dance to thy Daddy,
to thy Mammy sing;
Come here me little Jacky,
now ah've smoked me baccy,
let's hev a bit of cracky,
till the boat comes in.
Dance to thy Daddy,
sing to thy Mammy,
dance to thy Daddy,
to thy Mammy sing.
Thou shalt have a fishy
on a little dishy,
Thou shalt have a fishy
when the boat comes in.
Here's thy mother humming,
Like a canny woman;
Yonder comes thy father,
Drunk - he cannot stand.
Dance to thy Daddy,
sing to thy Mammy,
dance to thy Daddy,
to thy Mammy sing.
Thou shalt have a fishy
on a little dishy,
Thou shalt have a haddock
when the boat comes in.
Dance to thy Daddy,
sing to thy Mammy,
dance to thy Daddy,
to thy Mammy sing.
Our Tommy's always fuddling,
he's so fond of ale,
but he's kind to me,
I hope he'll never fail.
Dance to thy Daddy,
sing to thy Mammy,
dance to thy Daddy,
to thy Mammy sing.
Thou shalt have a fishy
on a little dishy,
Thou shalt have a mackerel
when the boat comes in.
I like a drop myself,
when I can get it sly,
and thou, my bonny bairn,
will like't as well as I.
Dance to thy Daddy,
sing to thy Mammy,
dance to thy Daddy,
to thy Mammy sing.
Thou shalt have a fishy
on a little dishy,
Thou shalt have a salmon
when the boat comes in.
Dance to thy Daddy,
sing to thy Mammy,
dance to thy Daddy,
to thy Mammy sing.
Thou shalt have a fishy
on a little dishy,
Thou shalt have a fishy
when the boat comes in.