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Christopher Gabbitas

Advent Carols from St John's



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[Händlerlogo] Label: Nimbus
ASIN: B0000037FK
[Händlerlogo] Label: Nimbus
ASIN: B0000037FK
  1. Drop down ye heavens
    Choir of St. John's College
    Richard Lloyd
  2. Lo! He comes with clouds descending
    Choir of St. John's College
    Volkslied aus England
  3. Message of advent
    G. R. Bush
  4. O sapientia; O adonai
    Choir of St. John's College
  5. First lesson
    Head Chorister
  6. Adam lay ybounden
    Choir of St. John's College
    Boris Ord
  7. The Lord at first did Adam make
    Choir of St. John's College
    George Guest
  8. The word of God
    A. A. Macintosh
  9. O radix Jesse, O clavis David
    Choir of St. John's College
  10. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
    Choir of St. John's College
    Johannes Brahms
  11. Second lesson
    Reuben Thomas
  12. A spotless rose
    Choir of St. John's College, James Martin, William Clements
    Herbert Howells
  13. There is no rose
    Choir of St. John's College
    Elizabeth Maconchy
  14. The ministry of the church
    G. R. Bush
  15. O Oriens; O rex gentium
    Choir of St. John's College
  16. Ave Maria
    Choir of St. John's College
    Felix Mendelssohn
  17. The preparation for the advent of Christ
    A. A. Macintosh
  18. O Emmanuel
    Choir of St. John's College
  19. A hymn to the virgin
    Choir of St. John's College
    Benjamin Britten
  20. I sing of a maiden
    Choir of St. John's College
    Patrick Hadley
  21. Third lesson
    George Guest
  22. This have I done for my true love
    Choir of St. John's College
    Gustav Holst
  23. Fourth lesson
    Robert Hinde
  24. Magnificat (The Gloucester service)
    Choir of St. John's College
    Herbert Howells
  25. The Christmas sentence and collect
    G. R. Bush
  26. Benedicamus Domino
    Choir of St. John's College
    Peter Warlock
  27. The college prayer & grace
    A. A. Macintosh
  28. O little town of Bethlehem
    Choir of St. John's College
    Traditionelles Weihnachtslied

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